That's what they say we do in Alaska. But today's blog entry is all about flipping sailboats, something I'm learning how to do in spring sailing. So for a break from my usual discussions of new media and how it's scaring old media, here is a You Tube video that spoke to me. I saw it posted on the good ol' Alaska Sailing Club blog; I belong to that club and learned to sail there two summers ago at Big Lake. I'd been writing a few posts there about my boat-flipping experiences at Stanford. I am a very green (as in new, not as in seasick) sailor. During this very windy spring, I am trying to increase my sailing knowledge. I see from watching this video, I will improve my flipped-boat skills by learning how to step over and onto the centerboard without getting a drop of water on me!
So this post is just for fun. On the other hand, the metaphors probably still hold for journalism: If your boat flips, jump on the centerboard and right it. Then go for a helluva ride!